Category: Outdoors

How to Protect Your Skin This Summer

While you are visiting us on the water this summer, it’s important to remember to protect your skin from the strong UV rays. We all need some sun exposure since it is the top source of vitamin D, which helps our bodies absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones, but too much sun exposure can lead… Read more »

Advice for New Moose Hunters

Moose hunting is not a simple sport. As much as we wish, we cannot simply wander into the wilderness and hope for the best. If hunting moose is something you have been thinking about trying for a while now, refer to our advice before heading into the woods. There are many things to remember, practice… Read more »

Why You Should Canoe

Are you craving an adventure but not sure what to do? We suggest going on a canoe trip in Wabakimi Wilderness Park and the Albany and Kopka Waterway Parks. Canoeing is a great way to explore the waterways, get closer to nature and get fit at the same time. Here are a few reasons why… Read more »