How To Become a Better Hunter in the Offseason

There’s no worse time of year for a hunter than the offseason. You’d much rather be out on some land, tracking prey with friends or family. But there’s no point in sulking or staring wistfully into the woods.

Instead, you can spend this down time preparing to become a better hunter for the upcoming season. There are quite a few things you could be doing to better yourself this offseason. Here are just a few of them:

Practice Shooting

No matter how much work you’ve put in over the years, there’s still always room for improvement. Head out to a shooting range with some friends to stay sharp and ensure you don’t get rusty. The more you practice, the more muscle memory you create, making you’re a more confident and accurate shooter.

Mind the Land

Whether you hunt on land you own or otherwise, it’s important to ensure it’s suitable for hunting. That means you may have to do a few things in the offseason. If you use a tree stand, you should do whatever maintenance is required, including taking it down and rehanging it if need be. You can also trim shooting lanes at a time when growth is at a minimum. It’s additionally important to keep the land hospitable for the animal you’re after, which you can do by adding food, water, and bedding sources.

Take Stock of Your Equipment

The offseason gives you the opportunity to look through your hunting gear and equipment and decide where upgrades need to be made. Do you need a new jacket or boots, or can your current ones last another season? This is also a good time to see what new gear or equipment is available in the hunting world. You might find a tool or piece of new equipment that will help you be more successful in the next hunting season.

Look Ahead to Next Season

It’s never too early to start planning for your next hunting outing. With all the downtime you have in the offseason, it’s the perfect opportunity to plan a more elaborate hunting trip. If you’re looking for an exciting getaway, consider visiting Mattice Lake Outfitters for a moose hunt. We offer multiple hunting packages at our remote location in Armstrong Station, Ontario. Give us a call at 1-800-411-0334 to start planning your trip today!