How to Prepare for a Fall Fishing Trip

There’s something truly special about the crisp, cool air and the vibrant colors of fall. It’s the perfect time to plan an unforgettable fishing trip, perhaps one in a remote locale. If that’s your plan this autumn, it’s important to be prepared, especially if you are used to angling in the warmer weather. Here’s how to prepare:

Check Your Gear

The first step in preparing for a fall fishing trip is to check your gear. You may have done a lot of fishing in the spring and summer so make sure your rods and reels are still in good working condition and replace any worn-out lines. Don’t forget to inspect your tackle box and replenish your supplies. Fall fishing often involves targeting different species than in other seasons, so be sure to pack the appropriate lures and baits.

Dress for the Weather

Fall weather can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to dress in layers. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your skin, add an insulating layer for warmth, and finish with a water and windproof outer layer. Don’t forget a comfortable hat, a good pair of socks, and maybe even gloves to keep your extremities warm.

Plan Your Locations

Research and plan your fishing locations thoughtfully. Fall can bring changes in fish behavior and habitat, so consider consulting local experts for insights into the best spots during this season. Also, check local regulations and make sure you have the necessary permits. It’s essential to respect the environment and the rules in place to preserve it.

If you’re planning on angling in the beauty of autumn, what better place to experience it than at Mattice Lake Outfitters in Armstrong Station, Ontario? We have three fly-in fishing camps and more than a dozen remote lakes, along with quality accommodations in Armstrong Station, Ontario. Plenty of desirable fish are prominent throughout our territory. Call us toll free at 1-800-411-0334 or email us at to begin planning your trip today!